Good work
Well, first off a couple of the voice actors need pop screens. Although the acting itself is very nice.
Anyway, I enjoyed the cartoon, the script was cute and the graphics were nice. I think there's a few too many of LF's stock jokes thrown in to fill up space, but overall it works.
My main complaint is frequently the animation direction is a bit confusing. During the montage of Snake shoving guards into the locker especially, it was just a bit difficult to tell what he was doing until after he did it. Lip-synch was spotty, but we all know what a nightmare that can be, at least you didn't use a generic mouth loop (which I am guilty of on occasion). Also Snake's walk didn't look beleiveable, his torso was too rigid and didn't even bob up and down at all.
But the parts that are referencing the visual direction of the MGS games were done rather well. The animation skill is certainly there, (and I loved the title sequence) just needs a bit of fine-tuning, keep at it!
I look forward to the rest of the series, with a few minor improvements it could be another classic.